
Welcome to Critter’s Feed and Supply

Scott County was very short on options when it came to feeding your critters. The lack of options and having to drive to Oak Ridge is what convinced me to open the store. I was tired of driving a couple of hours just to get decent dog food and chicken feed. If I was tired of it, others that lived here longer had to be, so I did the research, and figured out that I can give better options at prices that are competitive with the local suppliers.

There are some criteria that are required before any food or treat comes into the store.
1. It must be made here in the USA.
2. None of the ingredients can be sourced from China.
3. The ingredients must be understandable.

If I have any questions, or cannot easily find the information on their website, I will contact them by either a phone call or an email. If they try to evade the direct question of where they source their ingredients, I assume it’s China, and it doesn’t come into the store

As for the other products I will always try to find brands that are made in the USA, but with many things in life it’s not possible to find everything made here.